new music
Legendary Authors to be released January 2024
12 years in the making, I present to you my latest album. Including Cherry Blossoms, Buddha, Zen Gardens and Samurai Haunted Houses. Enjoy!
Latest CD “An Assortment of Trees”

Women of France

Eight years in the making! Here are “The Woman of France”.
From Joan of Arc leading the troops into battle,to Marie Curie, in a Baroque
style, to Marie Antoinette with all the classics of Mozart. This unique mix
of woman will not disappoint. Including the fictional character, Madame
Bovary, to the mysterious Josephine Baker. This collection of piano solos will captivate its listener. The haunting themes of Josephine Bonaparte
and the elusive Madame X are memorable and beautiful. At the end of this
grand parade of women is “The Unknown Burlesque Dancer” which combines a show stopping tune with a poignant slower section. Enjoy!
Release of new CD “Wonderment of Our World”
According to Webster’s Dictionary, the word “Wonderment” means a feeling of being surprised or amazed.
Wonderment of Our World is a CD of piano solos which captures that feeling of surprise.
These compositions reflect the natural cycle of the year. This album begins with the Winter Solstice and ends with the October Full Moon. Each piano solo uniquely portrays these various occurrences. One example is in Fall Equinox, one can visualize the leaves blowing around while listening to happy playful phrases. In the song Zenith, riveting runs sweep up the piano and burst into silence,much like a star pinnacle in the sky.
Click here for link to CD
New album release “A Song for Every Rose”
Here are fresh new original piano solos for 2015 which portray different moods and styles.
The “Princess Di Roses” solo is a poignant, lush, haunting composition.
“Rose Buds” makes for a perfect lullaby and “Rose Petals” is a grand waltz which is
sure to set your toe a tapping.
These ten piano solos are also presently available on I tunes.
click here for link to the Rose CD on CDBaby
2 Successful Concerts : Tacoma and Mercer Island
Two extraordinary events have taken place this year. First, the P.E.O. Founders’ Day
Celebration in Tacoma, WA in January 2014, and second, the P.E.O. Founders’ Day
Celebration on Mercer Island, WA. in March 2014. Both events were well attended
and both featured the same program: “The Piano Solos: A Tribute to the P.E.O. Founders”.
Some of the attendees commented that they were surprised at how different each piano
solo was from each other. For example: Franc Roads’ song is an aggressive march, but
Suela Penfields’ composition reflects the era of the Roaring 20’s.
Thankfully, I’m already booked in Ellensburg, WA for January 2015, but certainly looking for
other opportunities.
Composing with a first grade
On May 9th,2014 , its my great privilege to debut “Dear Grandparent, and Grand friends” at Saint Matthew’s School.
The first graders chose their favorite style of music, their favorite melody line and then composed the lyrics!
The song covers an array of activities : from Grandma drinking tea, to spending birthdays and holidays with Grandparents and Grandfriends, to Grandpa napping all afternoon! Well done first grade!
“My P.E.O. Sister” to debut at the Convention
In honor of Kay Ebert’s 2013 P.E.O. State Convention,
the new piano solo “My P.E.O. Sister” will be sold for $5 as
a convention fund raiser. This composition is the perfect gift
for a fellow P.E.O. sister or treat yourself to some inspiring
piano music!