Composing with a first grade
On May 9th,2014 , its my great privilege to debut “Dear Grandparent, and Grand friends” at Saint Matthew’s School.
The first graders chose their favorite style of music, their favorite melody line and then composed the lyrics!
The song covers an array of activities : from Grandma drinking tea, to spending birthdays and holidays with Grandparents and Grandfriends, to Grandpa napping all afternoon! Well done first grade!
“My P.E.O. Sister” to debut at the Convention
In honor of Kay Ebert’s 2013 P.E.O. State Convention,
the new piano solo “My P.E.O. Sister” will be sold for $5 as
a convention fund raiser. This composition is the perfect gift
for a fellow P.E.O. sister or treat yourself to some inspiring
piano music!