Descendant of Hattie Briggs Bousquet
It has been my great pleasure to be in contact with Tammy Laird,
who is the Great Great Granddaughter of Hattie. She received the
Founder’s Sheet Music a number of years ago. Here is what she said,
” I was the pianist for the Kansas State Convention this past June. I shared all seven of the Founders pieces that you had composed. They were very well received…our Sisters loved them!! “
Thank you for the support Tammy!
Founder’s Piano solos Ad
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3 of Hearts
This tiny snippet of a song is quite spacious. I likened this tune to the theme song of Titanic, “My Heart Will Go On”. Enjoy.
10 of Diamonds
This fun little ditty will brighten your day, as the diamonds tend to do!
6 of Hearts
This tender, poignant tiny tune will open your “heart” with all of its expansiveness.
King of Spades
This regal march is somber and dark, to reflect the majestic
power of this particular card.
Queen of Clubs
This little beauty is my highest selling card.
With the tranquility and quietness of the clubs,
the Queen of Clubs will provide a serene moment in your day.
2 of Clubs
This 2 of Clubs piano solo is short, sweet and tender. The delicate melody line
floats around reflecting the gentle strength of the clubs. Just one of the solos
from the CD “Deck of Cards”.
Ace of Diamonds
This uplifting ditty is bursting with energy.
It sparkles with delicate patterns, as only diamonds would do.
2 of Spades
This poignant little somber tune is delicately crafted to inspire thoughtfulness.
It is just one of the 56 songs on the album Deck of Cards on itunes.