The Irish Catholic Lass tells her tale of “Nara: The Buddha”

In this time of trouble, I have turned to my composing for peace of mind. Recently deciding to continue work on my CD “Japan : The Trip”, thoughts of visiting Nara, Japan in 2011 surfaced. While on a bus approaching the temple where the Buddha is housed, many deer can be seen over the fields. This is how I chose to begin the piano solo. That night, I shared this information with my husband. (Hold on to your hat for this next part!)
The next morning, my husband was thunder struck as he sat in our living room and watched three grown does walk down the street into our front lawn. They looked at him, then proceeded down the street. In 20 years living in Shoreline, we have NEVER seen a deer. I related this tale to my daughter, who had traveled to Nara with me. She replies,”The deer symbolize messengers of God.” This entire experience has given me great comfort.
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