Move over Mozart, Chopin and Beethoven.

As the future unfolds, these innovative piano solos will inspire, impress, and sweep you away on a sophisticated listening journey.

From sweet reflective melodies to percussive, riveting patterns, Jill crafts these compositions to perfection.

Jill Kremer

Christa’s Song : Around the World

This is the second blog about “Christa’s Song”. Since the song debuted at her wedding in 2010, the song has been played and purchased all over the world. Such as:
United Kingdom,
and various locations in Europe; to name a few.
This bridal procession piano solo is a unique composition being enjoyed world wide. Also available in sheet music.
Christa’s Song (Bridal Procession) – Single – Jill Kremer

Christa’s Song : The Story

One of my more popular songs is “Christa’s Song”. I’ve realized not everyone knows the back story to this song.

In 1995, I met a second grade girl named Christa. She was a new student and it was my pleasure to teach her for many years. Similar to other students, I enjoyed teaching her piano and she became a fine musician. Luckily she had younger siblings and, like her, I taught them until they had similarly mastered the piano and this way I was able to continue to see and visit her. In 2010, she asked me to play her wedding and I accepted the honor.

During our meetings, we discussed which songs she would like played at the ceremony. Toward the ending of our meeting, the subject of the Bridal Procession came up. Being one of the more prominent songs of the wedding, not including the reception and first dance this was a major decision.

Christa mentioned she didn’t want to have the traditional song of “Here Comes the Bride” and asked my opinion. I was unable to restrain myself and asked if I could compose her Bridal Procession. This shocked her a bit at first because it was a surprise, who would expect their former piano teacher to offer to write them a song let alone their Bridal Procession? Christa graciously accepted and was very happy with the end result.

Each song has some sort of back story of how the inspiration or idea came to be, but this one was a life event that was very special to me, as the composer and piano teacher. It was a true honor to be included in this experience.

Link to song:

Stay tune for part two of this trilogy and read about how far a song can really go.

2 Successful Concerts : Tacoma and Mercer Island

photo 1 (1)

Two extraordinary events have taken place this year. First, the P.E.O. Founders’ Day
Celebration in Tacoma, WA in January 2014, and second, the P.E.O. Founders’ Day
Celebration on Mercer Island, WA. in March 2014. Both events were well attended
and both featured the same program: “The Piano Solos: A Tribute to the P.E.O. Founders”.

Some of the attendees commented that they were surprised at how different each piano
solo was from each other. For example: Franc Roads’ song is an aggressive march, but
Suela Penfields’ composition reflects the era of the Roaring 20’s.

Thankfully, I’m already booked in Ellensburg, WA for January 2015, but certainly looking for
other opportunities.

Composing with a first grade

On May 9th,2014 , its my great privilege to debut “Dear Grandparent, and Grand friends”  at Saint Matthew’s School.

The first graders chose their favorite style of music, their favorite melody line and then composed the lyrics!

The song covers an array of activities : from Grandma drinking tea, to spending birthdays and holidays with Grandparents and Grandfriends, to Grandpa napping all afternoon!  Well done first grade!




Here are the compositions on the CD…

Alice Bird Babb Cultural, Reader of Classics, Intellectual, Mozartish
(composer note: Listen for her grand entrance at the end)

Hattie Briggs Bousquet Comforting, Note of Joy, First to propose sisterhood, Simplistic,  Elegant

EIla Stewart Social, Lively Irish

Daisies This song was composed for Chapter BL in honor of all your support. Thank You!

Suela Pearson Penfield  Musician, Flapper of the group, Rare Beauty, Roaring 20s

Alice Virginia Coffin Queenly, Warm Hearted, Fun, Light
(composer note: This is the longest composition I had trouble getting this song to end)

Franc Roads Strong, Vigorous, Artist, March

Mary Allen Stafford Graceful, Motherly, Cheerful, Flowing

Sister Eternal written in loving memory of my mother in law Elizabeth Raymond

“The Piano Solos” reach North Carolina! Thanks Chapter CB!

Pianist Jill Kremer’s Musical Composition of the Seven Founders

In a telephone interview, Jill Kremer, a member of P.E.O. Chapter

BL, Seattle, Washington, shared the following. The inspiration for what

was to eventually be named, “Sister Eternal”, was composed in honor of

her mother-in-law, Elizabeth Raymond, a P.E.O. that encouraged Jill to

become a member. Shortly after Jill was initiated Elizabeth became very ill

and passed away. Elizabeth knew that Jill was writing her a musical composition

before she died. It is very reflective, often used for a memorial.

It was after this event that Jill decided to write a musical composition

for each of the seven sisters and a piece called, Daisies, for her chapter

in honor of their support. It took one year for Jill to complete the music for

the seven sisters. After studying each of the personalities of the seven sisters

she began her work, interpreting each sister’s personality and putting it to

music. The CD begins with:


Alice Bird Babb who was a reader of classics, an intellectual and very

like Mozart, according to her research.  The listener is encouraged to listen for

Alice’s’ grand entrance at the end.


Hattie Briggs Bousquet, is identified as comforting, a leader, the first

to propose sisterhood, elegant, simplistic. Her music is slow, haunting

and romantic, according to Jill.


Ella Stewart, is a lively person and

very social, also Irish like Jill.


Suela Pearson Penfield, is a musician and flapper of the group, so her

music revolves around the Roaring 20’s.


Alice Virginia Coffin’s piece is queenly, warm hearted, fun and waltzlike.

Jill had a difficult time ending this one.


Franc Roads and it is like her, strong, vigorous, a dramatic march



Mary Allen Stafford, is a motherly person, graceful and cheerful. Her music

is described as flowing, easy listening and soft.


Daisies, is whimsical, contemporary and fast.

Jill’s music has been used in three state conferences, Washington, Illinois

and Ohio. We are the first chapter in North Carolina to order her music. Jill

is a performing pianist that has toured throughout the United States. I encouraged

her to consider a tour in North Carolina so we could enjoy her talent.

Norma Eckard, Chair

 The Piano Solos: A Tribute to P.E.O. Founders

Composed and Performed by

Jill Kremer, Chapter BJ-WA

“My P.E.O. Sister” to debut at the Convention

In honor of Kay Ebert’s 2013 P.E.O. State Convention,

the new piano solo “My P.E.O. Sister” will be sold for $5 as

a convention fund raiser. This composition is the perfect gift

for a fellow P.E.O. sister or treat yourself to some inspiring

piano music!

P.E.O. Founder’s CD will be available to order at the State Convention

 Presently this CD is Chapter BL’s fundraiser.

Below are some of the songs that will be heard at Convention this year.


Alice Bird Babb    Cultural, Reader of Classics, Intellectual  Mozartish

(composer note: Listen for her grand entrance at the end)

Hattie Briggs Bousquet   Comforting, Note of Joy,   Simplistic Elegant

Ella Stewart    Social, Lively,  Irish 

Daisies  This song was composed for Chapter BL in honor of all your support. Thank You!

Suela Pearson Penfield Musician, Flapper of the group, Rare Beauty   Roaring 20’s  

 Alice Virginia Coffin  Queenly, Warm Hearted, Fun Light

(composer note: This is the longest composition I had trouble getting this  song to end) 

Franc Roads   Strong, Vigorous, Artist    March

Mary Allen Stafford  Graceful, Motherly, Cheerful     Flowing