Move over Mozart, Chopin and Beethoven.

As the future unfolds, these innovative piano solos will inspire, impress, and sweep you away on a sophisticated listening journey.

From sweet reflective melodies to percussive, riveting patterns, Jill crafts these compositions to perfection.

Prism of Sounds

My latest album released is “Prism of Sounds”. It literally has a dramatic piano solo for every color of the rainbow. Those of you who are familiar with the “Journey to Japan” album will recognize the yellow, green and blue compositions. The new solos on this album are exciting, fresh and riveting. “Majestic Purple” sounds like wild horses charging over a mountain range at the last moment of twilight. “Indigo Stripes” innovates with triumphant grace. The “Orange Splattered Ragtime” takes you to the 1920’s speakeasy. For the grand finally, “Firework Red Etude” likens itself to an authentic Firework show.Full piano runs racing up the piano and exploding into what sounds like breathtaking visions and spectacular lights. You can almost hear the oohs and aah s!

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