ring tones
New CD Release “Deck of Cards”
Here are 54 short tunes for each card.
Each Ace melody is a sassy quick catchy theme.
The 2s are quiet and tender.
The 3s are lovely and expansive.
The 4s are intelligent and intricate.
The 5s are slow and beautiful.
The 6s are romantic and pensive.
The 7s are interesting and involved.
The 8s are poignant and delicate.
The 9s are mysterious and dramatic. The 10s are spicy and fun.
The Jacks have a jazz flavor.
The Queens are amazing and touching.
The Kings are majestic and regal.
The Colorful Joker is very whimsical and playful.
The Black and White Joker is the grand Finale!
The CD “The Piano Solos: A Tribute to P.E.O. Founders” is now available on this website
A collection of piano solos with a variety of styles including :Classical,
Contemporary, a March and the Roaring 20s. There are also some very
peaceful quieter composition. Some uses for these songs are: giving Founder’s Day Program,
being played at initiations and many of these songs have been played at State Conventions!
It was also played at Sesquicentennial International Convention in 2019
Cost of the CD is $15 plus $3.50 for shipping and handling. Please contact Jill with orders or
questions. Thank you!
The Gold Wave Etude “Triumph”
Ta Dah! This powerful final wave of this series smacks of Victory!
I hope you enjoyed the music and artwork.
The Silver Wave Etude “Determination”
The song begins with frantic chromatic scales rushing up the piano in pursuit of success,
followed by a full sweep up to a victorious descent.
The Purple Wave Etude “Mystery”
This music creeps up the piano to an Alfred Hitchcock like tune, then drops down to
a riveting chase scene, ending with huge crashing sounds.
The Bright Green Wave “Tenacious”
This classical sounding etude stubbornly winds its way up to a beautifully
crafted peak which cascades it way down to an obstinate finish.
The Rainbow Wave Etude “Passion”
This tune sweeps whimsically up the piano then descends with colorful splashes.
The Black Wave Etude “Darkness”
This daunting etude creeps slowly up to the break in the wave and then eerily plunges down to the abyss.
Tidal Wave Etude “United Front”
This composition is so ginormous it took two pictures to illustrate its magnitude.
“The Build” of the Tidal Wave is portrayed by low daunting octaves building towards the
second picture entitled “The Release” which is full octaves at full volume in a very dramatic run down the piano.
The Fuchsia Wave Etude “Imagination”
This bright uplifting ditty rushes to the crest of the wave to rollick
playfully down to inspiration.